Air Traffic Safety Electronics International
Air Traffic Safety Electronics International is one of the world’s leading global air navigation journals, providing the latest insights, news, in-depth industry analysis and up-to-date reports to meet the needs
of those involved in communications, navigation, surveillance/air traffic management (CNS/ATM) and the entire air navigation spectrum in the global aviation industry. The journal is dedicated to the air traffic safety electronics, air traffic management and other air navigation-related terrains.
Air Traffic Safety Electronics International provides the most comprehensive platforms regarding new developments, new technologies, future ATM systems, regulatory and compliance issues as well as sustainable air navigation and air traffic safety electronics solutions.
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Air Traffic Safety Electronics International is available in both printed and digital formats. The journal is available FREE to those who qualify for free subscription under our terms.

Air Traffic Safety Electronics International is available in both printed and digital formats. The journal is available FREE to those who qualify for free subscription under our terms. To apply to receive your own complimentary copy, please CLICK HERE to access the Complimentary Subscription Form.
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What Our Readers Say

“…the ATSEI journal is a breathe of fresh air …”
James J
“…Few journals follow critical aviations trends without losing sight of the important narratives…”