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ATSEI Subscriptions

Air Traffic Safety Electronics International is published 4 times a year. The journal is FREE to all qualified personnel. Free subscription is available in both print and digital (PDF) formats or in either the print or digital version. Complimentary subscription is available to senior personnel and executives. To access the Complimentary Subscription Form, please CLICK HERE  or email:, indicating your personal details (Name, Job Title, Organisation, Email, and Postal Address) and your journal format preference.


For all non-qualifying readers, paid subscription is available in either the print or digital (PDF) version or as a Bundle Subscription (both print and digital formats). For all paid subscription enquiries, please call +2348156705036 or EMAIL:, indicating your preferences.


NIGERIA – One year (4 editions): Bundle subscription (Print and Digital) ₦9,000; Digital format only ₦1,000; Print format only ₦8,000.

WEST/CENTRAL AFRICA – One year (4 editions): Bundle subscription (Print and Digital) $37; Digital format only $2; Print format only $36.

EAST AFRICA – One year (4 editions): Bundle subscription (Print and Digital) $39; Digital format $2; Print $38.

SOUTHERN AFRICA – One year (4 editions): Bundle subscription (Print and Digital) $41; Digital format only $2; Print format only $40.

NORTH AFRICA – One year (4 editions): Bundle subscription (Print and Digital) $41; Digital format only $2; Print format only $40.

REST OF THE WORLD – One year (4 editions): Bundle subscription (Print and Digital) $49; Digital format only $2; Print format only $48.

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